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Your Satisfaction is our success. Myiesha Butik provides so many prestigious products for ladies, men, kids, and teens. Our Products consist of Blouse, Gamis, Moslem shirt (Koko), Batik (Blouse, Shirt, Bag), and original branded bags (Prada, Gucci, Chanel, Coach, etc). Don't hesitate to shop with us! Directly add our products to your shopping chart, or you can ask to know more about our products. Thanks. Happy Shopping :)
Why us??
We are a trusted boutique. All products are ready, limited, new, and very good. Furthermore, you can save your time just sitting to choose our products, pay, and your products arrive, and save your money coz we'll give you a discount.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Batik Collection

Baju batik ini terbuat dari bahan katun yang nyaman untuk dikenakan. Baju batik ini merupakan produk batik print, yang menggunakan motif khas batik Indonesia. Dilengkapi dengan obi cantik. Dapat digunakan untuk acara casual maupun busana kerja.

Item ID: TA-FAD-Dress Batik Alisha Pink
Color: Pink dan Ungu
Detailed size

Jenis Batik: Batik Print
Ukuran: All Size: 95cm
Lingkar Dada: 100 cm
Lingkar Pinggang: 98 cm

Friday, March 16, 2012

Blouse Collection

Friday, March 9, 2012

Abaya Denim

Item Name

Abaya Denim Shasmira With Polkadot Style

Price 325,000 IDR
Description Polkadot Style, Abaya Denim Bercorak Polkadot Didesain Beraksen Tumpuk. Permainan Garis Potongan dan Aksen Lipatan Dipinggul Sangat Menyeimbangkan Kekontrasan Abaya ini.
Item ID: A016
Size: S, M, L, XL